Monthly Archives: March 2015


Forget Me Not Garden by Anna Fischer Book Review

Forget Me Not Garden is a story about sacrifice for those you love.  A boy named Edward loves his long-time girlfriend Emily.  At a carnival, a bizarre man comes up to Edward and asks him if he wants to play a game of cards.  The man proposes that if Edward is to win against him, he…


Defying Death in Hagerstown by John Paul Carinci Book Review

Defying Death in Hagerstown was truly surprising.  This book is about a man named Louis Gerhani, a journalist in the throes of heartbreak who was slowly declining in his career and well-being. When threatened with job termination by his unsympathetic boss, his last chance to keep his career was dependent upon writing a story about a 110-year old…


Zeiss Art Calendar by Zeiss Book Review

Zeiss Art Calendar is a truly inspirational compilation of great photographers, models, and stories. Many photography books do not have story lines, just beautiful pictures.  This art calendar had both! This is not the typical type of book that I would choose to buy.  However, I was pleasantly surprised with the emotion and creativity that jumped…


The Success Factor by Ted Bagley Book Review

The Success Factor by Ted Bagley is a great way to open your mind to the possibilities within your career path.  It is true that while in college, you expect to graduate and land an amazing job makings gobs of money and live a comfortable life.  However, Bagley explains that this is not the case in many people’s…


Textastrophe by Matt Andrews Book Review

Textastrophe is a compilation of prank text messages to people who have posted ads with their cell numbers.  Matt Andrews takes prank calling to a whole new level with text pranks.  Matt touches on many different types of ads.  This is a quick read and is great to read with a group. The format of…

Neverwhere Book Review

Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman Book Review

Neverwhere is one of those books that I’ve been meaning to read for a long time.  Everyone has their Gaiman favorite and more people have told me that Neverwhere is their absolute favorite over any other Gaiman book.  Now that I’ve finished, I don’t know what took me so long.  If you’re like me and this…

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