Disguised as a lighthearted children’s mystery, The Deer with the Purple Nose is an animal science book filled with original photography of wildlife creatures. But, shhhhh – don’t tell your kids they might actually learn something. Wan Lee Publishing | December, 2013 | Hardcover | 56pp
Rusty and Purdy are two English Setters who come across Dottie the Deer, and her nose has turned purple! When Dottie denies that her nose is indeed purple, the two dogs enlist the help of nearby animal friends to get to the bottom of this mysterious issue.
The author uses his own gorgeous photography in place of drawings and cartoons which presents a very lifelike feel to the story. Each animal is given a name and its species is identified. Any ornithologists out there? This is a dream book for the every bird lover to read to their children. Included in the story and in the wonderful imagery are dogs, a plethora of birds, chipmunks, groundhogs, and a raccoon.
The Deer with the Purple Nose is a great change of pace for children’s books. The anthropomorphism is fun but there is the added amount of realism with a solvable mystery and actual wildlife photos which elevate this book to a whole new level of sophistication within the genre. I say, yes! Grab a copy for the kids!
The Deer with the Purple Nose
by Wayne L. Brillhart