Daily Archives: May 5, 2016

Not Too Sharp A Cappella

UNH’s Not Too Sharp A Cappella Group Stuns at Four Tree Island

I experienced an unexpected delight while at Four Tree Island for a child’s birthday party. Unbeknownst to us, UNH’s A Cappella group Not Too Sharp was there, about to shoot their newest video. The group of young men siting on the rocks and enjoying a BBQ suddenly broke out in a chorus of beautiful voices, and…

Louise Speck

Interview with Local Author Louise Speck

Louise Speck is the author of Tickles ‘n Tears: The Psychology of Humor under the nom de plume of Spec.  Tell me a little bit about who you are and where you live. I moved up to northern Massachusetts to help my folks in their final years, and that was a good choice.  I don’t know specifically where…

Baby Animals Strawbery Banke

Baby Animals at Strawbery Banke

Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth is finally open for the season and they began this year with Spring Barnyard Baby Animals which presented livestock representative of 17th century farms and later. This was a great exposition for the kids where they could learn about local heritage and have fun eyeing those adorable baby animals. If you…

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